amid the ever worsening world
with it's pornography
less than chase standard
and simply amoral beliefs
I have been struck by the need I feel to keep my marriage
physically speaking
regular dates with my husband are a must
but since we have moved away from family
who we allowed to watch our precious little ones
the need has arisen to be creative in our dating
here are some suggestions
idea #1:
get the kids REALLY tired during the day, parks, races, and with hold a nap if the need arises
make the kids a simple dinner
while cooking a Divine, delectable dinner for you and your spouse
put the kids to bed an hour early
behave as you are on a date..no cells...no text...no email..no phone calls...no bills
idea #2
Dinner & a Movie
if you don't already have a TV in your room ( which is actually better for your marriage)
move on in for the evening
Do idea #1
except put a table cloth on you bed & eat while watching you favorite movie
idea #3
Find the Element of Fun
you remember the song...in every job that must be done find the element of fun
and snap the job becomes a game
If you must iron for the next day
after the babes are sleeping
Iron in your skivies
this can maybe help set a mood......if not it can at least help you not to take your self so serious
idea #4
Couples Yoga
rent a couples yoga video or read a book
idea # 5
Spouse Book Club
have a book club for just the two of you
pick a book that both will enjoy
discuss it with each other weekly
idea #6
the note
write love notes and place in pockets of you husbands jacket/shirt/pants
Please add any suggestions you may have